Monday, May 12, 2008

"The Unit" visits Iraq!

Talk about a morale booster!

The actors from the hit CBS series "The Unit" took time out of their busy schedules and visited our men and women in Iraq to shake hands and sign autographs.

The USO set up the event.

Click here to visit "The Unit"'s official website.

One of the soldier's downrange sent me this great picture of the group. In a place like Iraq, it's hard to find things to smile about, but when a group of supporters comes through, it sure changes attitudes fast.

It's amazing what the USO does for families and servicemembers. From free concerts given by Toby Keith and Gary Sinise to NFL and NBA stars signing autographs to Morgan Freeman shaking hands and Cher "turning back time", the USO has our servicemembers connected. Visit the USO to check out what they can do for you and your hero. In return, see how you can volunteer to be a USO helper!



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love watching The Unit - that is way cool that they took the time to go down range.