Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Do they think we're STUPID?!?!?

Hi everyone-

A few years ago, I was visiting my parents house in Corpus Christi, TX. I stopped by the Trade Center (a huge fleamarket) with my nephew to look for some old baseball cards.

When we arrived, we went directly to the cotton candy and snack shop, got our fill and headed over to the sports memorabilia booth. My nephew took it all in and asked if I would buy him a 1984 George Brett card. Of course being a huge Royals fan, I couldn't tell him no. As I was paying for the card, I noticed a sign that took me back.

The sign above the unopened packs of 1990 Fleers read, "50 cents each OR two for $1.00" ?!?!?

I just about lost it. I caught myself before laughing hysterically.

At first I was a bit insulted. Did they really think that I couldn't add 50 cents to 50 cents. But then I calmed down and thought that it may be that there are alot of children that come through and some of them haven't mastered addition yet.

But then it happened again in Hanau, Germany last week. I was helping close down the post Education Center (base closures) when I went to the AAFES Shoppette (think 7-11 or Circle K) to get a soda. On the front of the window, there was an ad for Spunkmeyer Cookies. It read "50 cents each or three for $1.50"?!?!

I couldn't believe it! Does AAFES think that military family members, servicemembers, and DOD civilians can't add? I only thought this stuff happened in my hometwon fleamarket.

Has this ever hapened to you????

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